13 January 22

Raymond Masterson Mechanical Services Ltd carried out a 2-part Degreasing and Passivation on a new product line for one of our Pharmaceutical Clients.

-Part 1 involved the De-Greasing & Passivation on a new product line in situ on site
-Part 2 consisted of the De-greasing and Passivation of assorted parts submerged in the passivation bath that included the following:
• Filters
• Pump
• Valve Skid
• Assorted Fittings
• Nozzles

Working closely with our clients to achieve their specific passivation requirements, Raymond Masterson Mechanical Services Ltd passivation procedures are backed up with a Certificate of Passivation which includes an on-site analysis of temperature/Conductivity and P.H. Also included are the calibration certification for Conductivity, PH & temperature meters and gauges.
Certificate of Analysis are issued for the Chemicals used in the process.

Our chemical suppliers provide us with the up to date
degreasing and passivation chemicals on the market that has the minimal impact on the environment.

Raymond Masterson Mechanical Services Ltd personal are certified and trained in Chemical Awareness Training. Raymond Masterson Mechanical Services Ltd hold the ISO Standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 for the processes we carry out.


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